Bob Bly, author of 80+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” and Fred Gleeck, “The King of Content,” extend to you this exclusive invitation….

Give Us 6 Hours and We’ll Help You Start and Build Your Own Lucrative Information Empire.

Join us at Virtual Information Marketing University starting January 13, 2016, and you can be well on your way to earning a six-figure passive income selling information online.

If you want to stop dreaming about starting and running a profitable Internet marketing business … and actually make it happen … Fred Gleeck and I are ready to roll up our sleeves and work with you – to help you start or jump-start your information marketing career like no one else can or will for you.

We first conducted this program in an intensive training event we held in January 2014. Here are a few videos of our happy and satisfied attendees.

We called it “Information Marketing University with Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly,” because it’s the most comprehensive training in information marketing Fred and I have ever done.

Since that first boot camp, dozens of our readers have asked, “When are you doing your next Info Marketing University?” In 2016, we will hold Information Marketing University online, as a virtual event for 6 weekly 1-hour classes starting 1/13/16. We are limiting attendance to the first 50 people who register. And based on our experience with the first university, this will sell out fast.

While this new event follows a similar routine to our first successful Info Marketing University, it’s been updated with everything we’ve learned since then, making it even more valuable and timely – from Fred’s new resource for creating winning landing pages to my automated system for making hundreds of new LinkedIn connections.

Is this the greatest home business ever invented?

If you’re reading this page, I think you already know the tremendous benefits you can reap when you sell information products.

But it may help you make up your mind about spending a couple of days with us learning the info marketing business if I briefly hit the highlights here once again. And so….

** First, you can make a lot more money than you do right now. The money is really good in information marketing. We tell our students that it is realistic to reach a six-figure income, where you make $100,000 to $200,000 or more a year or more in your info marketing business, within 12 to 24 months of getting started.

That compares very favorably with, say, a doctor, who has to go through 4 years of premed, another 4 years of med school, and then several years of residency before collecting a doctor’s six-figure salary. But unlike an MD, who works 50 hours a week with huge liability, stress, overhead, and malpractice insurance premiums, I earn six figures with my spare-time info marketing business “working” about an hour a day – as incredible as that sounds.

Fred and I both pocket a handsome income selling information online. Yes, there are plenty of people out there who try and try to get started in info marketing. But after attending Information Marketing University with Fred and me, you’ll be one of the few who actually DO it -- and oh, what a great feeling that will be for you!

** Second, you’ll become financially independent and escape the 9 to 5 rat race forever.

Owning and operating your own information marketing business is absolutely life-transforming.

Think about it: When you earn a six-figure income “working” just a few hours a week (that’s a few hours a week, not a day) as I do online, you are freed from the necessity of ever having to work at a regular job, for ordinary wages, for the rest of your life.

The “Internet marketing lifestyle” gives you a degree of freedom and financial independence most Americans can only dream of. But after Information Marketing University, for you this dream can become a reality.

Imagine: No more commuting. No more wearing a suit and tie to work. No more office politics. No more working for a jerk of a boss. You will be able to do what you want, when you want to do it, where and with whom you want to do it. And never be laid off ever again. Now that’s my definition of success!

** Third, you’ll be one of those rare individuals who actually LOVES what he does for a living!

You already find Internet marketing and information publishing attractive -- or you wouldn’t be reading this page.

Well, if you think you’d have a blast being an online info marketer like Fred and I are – you are right!

We love what we do, and as Les Paul has said, when you love what you do, you will never actually work a day in your life!

Noel Coward put it even better: “Work is more fun than fun.” Information publishing is enormous fun … and therefore, doing it really isn’t work at all!

OK, so which info marketing gurus are the right ones to help YOU get off your duff and start making money online this year?

Now, there are plenty of promoters out there putting on training events in information marketing and Internet marketing.

So why should you attend “Information Marketing University” with me and Fred vs. go to any of the other Internet marketing teachers out there?

Well, maybe you shouldn’t.

Look, if you follow someone else online, and like their stuff, you might be better served taking their training instead of ours … or at least in addition to ours.

But on the other hand, if you follow either Fred Gleeck or me … and you like OUR stuff, read our e-newsletters, attend our webinars, go to our seminars, or buy our books, audios, and DVDs …

… then this is a unique opportunity to have Fred and I help you launch an online business that you’ll love – and that can make you financially independent!

If you want to succeed in Internet marketing … and by succeed, I mean make so much money in your spare time that you can quit your 9 to 5 job and never work another day in your life … then I urge you to join us at the Virtual Information Marketing University, online.

So you can finally stop thinking, reading, studying, and dreaming about making money in an Internet marketing business of your own. And at last start DOING it.

It’s easy to make money packaging and selling information -- when you follow these 7 simple steps to Internet marketing success!

In Virtual Information Marketing University with Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly, Fred and I show you how to duplicate the same path we took to leave corporate life -- and became completely financially independent--by showing you step-by-step how to start and run an easy, spare-time Internet marketing home business selling information products online.

Let’s get down to brass tacks. There is a battle-tested 7-step process Fred and I have used to make your millions as information marketers. This process, and the details of how and why to do each step, are what we will teach you in this idea-packed weekend training event:

  • Step One: Planning for entrepreneurial success: The most important – and difficult – decision aspiring information marketers face is picking the right niche: what topic will all your info products teach … and what market or audience will you teach it to? Follow our simple system and you’ll have your niche by the end of the first 1-hour class.
  • Step Two: Grow your e-list big and fast: In Internet marketing there is an old expression that happens to be true: “The money is in the list.” The faster you can build a large opt-in e-list, the more money you will make online. Even better is to build a large responsive list of prospects who eagerly buy the info products you are selling!
  • Step Three: Setting up your Internet infrastructure: Next, you have to get everything in place to run your Internet marketing business.

    We show you where to get and how to implement: merchant accounts for taking credit card and PayPal orders … setting up your online shopping cart … managing your e-mail list … distributing your online newsletter and marketing e-mails …

    Plus: Hosting your web sites … web analytics that track and measure your sales results … managing your participation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google +, and other social networks ... setting up and writing to your blog … and more.

    In short, we show you how to put all your “systems” in place so your Internet marketing business runs like clockwork and hums like a well-oiled machine.

  • Step Four: Creating or sourcing information products. We show you how to create your own hot-selling information products – including research, writing, editing, graphic design, and packaging -- as well as how to earn handsome commissions selling other people’s information products to your customers. As a bonus, we’ll show you how to repackage and sell existing content that is in the public domain, meaning it is not copyrighted and you can use it however you wish without paying a penny to the original author or publisher.
  • Step Five: Establishing your web presence: You will need a portal or “master” web site for your information marketing empire as well as individual micro sites or “landing pages” – one for every product you sell. Here’s how to create them and post them on the web for maximum results. And, you’ll learn what you need to know about search engine optimization.
  • Step Six: Driving traffic to your sales sites: You learn how to drive traffic to your micro sites – and make sales – using e-mail marketing, online ads, blogging, affiliates, article writing, social media. and other proven traffic-building methods.
  • Step Seven: Going beyond one-shot product sales: Once you have a solid info marketing business selling traditional “one-shot” products … including e-books, video, audio, and live events … you can multiply your income with additional revenue sources including affiliate sales … joint ventures … product licensing … membership web sites … recurring subscription products … coaching … consulting … and more.

Not only do we walk you through each step of our Internet profit-making system. We also teach you exactly either HOW to do the steps yourself … or, WHERE to find low-cost resources to get them done for you.

Here are just some of the tasks and skills you will master when you access the Info Marketing University videos over the Internet using the password we give you:

  • The only 3 things you need to make money selling information products online.
  • 5 skills that all successful Internet marketers possess. The good news: you probably have 3 of them already. And the other 2 are easy either to learn or outsource.
  • The 7-step Self Assessment Inventory that can help you find the perfect information publishing niche – in about 5 minutes.
  • What Aristotle can teach you about choosing a market and topic for your fledgling info marketing business.
  • How to research your topic and acquire enormously valuable knowledge about it you can sell to others at a huge profit.
  • The “Agora Model” for doing business online … and how it helped my client Bill Bonner build a $475 billion a year info publishing empire.
  • Why you should publish an online newsletter … and how I write and distribute my e-newsletter in less than a half hour an issue.
  • 7 incredibly effective techniques building your e-newsletter subscriber list – including one that got me 982 new subscribers at zero cost in just 48 hours.
  • The 90/90 rule of converting new e-zine subscribers immediately into paying customers.
  • Duplicate the “back-end” software and systems Fred and I use to run our million-dollar Internet marketing businesses – without buying a single software package or writing one line of code.
  • How to write and design compelling landing pages that increase conversion rates and sell more information products – without HTML, Front Page, or web site templates of any kind.
  • How to write and design an effective e-mail auto-responder series for converting more of your micro site visitors to buyers.
  • Are social media and blogging key components of the Internet marketing wealth-building system Fred and I use to make thousands of dollars a week of passive income online? The answer may surprise you.
  • How to write compelling, kick-butt copy for information products that grabs the reader by the lapels and won’t let go.
  • How to create irresistible offers that increase conversion rates and orders on all your landing pages.
  • How to use web video to boost conversion rates and revenues from your landing pages by 10% to 18% -- even though people keep telling you they hate video!
  • How to increase your annual online profits 10% to 25% or more this year through joint ventures, affiliate marketing, product licensing, and membership sites.
  • Shortcuts to creating e-books … forms kits … special reports … webinars … videos … audio programs … and other information products that are 10X better than those your competitors sell.
  • 5 steps to becoming a master how-to writer – even if you hire other people to ghostwrite your info products for you.
  • An easy formula for coming up with killer titles that make your information products fly off the shelves and into your customers’ shopping carts.
  • How to protect your published information products against piracy and copyright violation.
  • How to become a published author: writing a book and selling it to a mainstream publishing house for a 4 or 5-figure advance plus royalties … and why this beats self-publishing your book hands down.
  • Make $5,000 a day or more as a paid professional speaker with keynotes … breakout sessions … corporate training … association speeches … webinars … workshops … presentations … and teleconferences.
  • Earn ancillary income of a thousand dollars a day or more teaching your info topic at college and university adult education programs.
  • How to become a recognized expert in your industry, niche, or topic – and why doing so should be every information marketer’s goal.
  • Get on network prime-time, cable TV, and national radio with these low-cost/no-cost public relations techniques from the author of “PR for Dummies” (me).
  • Build your information empire faster with “content aggregation.” Or: why you don’t have to be the author of every piece of information you publish or sell.
  • How to make more money by writing and giving away free special reports as bonus gifts.
  • Hire programmers to create useful software for peanuts and sell it for a small fortune again and again to your customers.
  • Growing richer with the years: how to run and manage a profitable information marketing empire.
  • And much more….

Act now and save $300.

There are some Boot Camps out there that run $2,000 to $5,000 or more and purport to teach you many of the same marketing strategies we share with you in Virtual Information Marketing University with Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly.

If you follow those gurus, you may bite the bullet and write a big check, should your desire to learn from them live outweigh your desire to save money.

But if you follow me or Fred, you can learn everything you need to know to make $100,000 to $200,000 a year or more in you spare time with your own home-based Internet marketing business at our Information Marketing University without leaving your home!

Best of all, going to our event won’t break your bank account. You’ll have more than enough capital left over to go home and launch your online business with the money you save by coming to us instead of our price-gouging competitors.

The regular tuition for the Virtual Information Marketing University live event is a very reasonable $777. But when you register today, you get a $300 Early Bird Discount, so your investment in our training is only $477 – less than I charge my corporate clients for just 1 hour of my time on a consulting or coaching basis.

Our 100% money-back ironclad guarantee of satisfaction

At less than five hundred bucks (if you act now and grab our Early Bird discount), Virtual Information Marketing University with Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly is arguably the best value available in “how to make money on the Internet today.”

But if you are still concerned about getting your money’s worth, here’s something else that should make it easier for you to pull the trigger and register today: our money-back guarantee.

It’s simple: If you are not absolutely convinced that our Virtual Information Marketing University is the most exciting and important business educational experience you’ve ever attended … one that is going to transform your life, your career, and your financial well-being …

Or if you are not happy for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just let us know after the first class. We’ll give you a full and prompt refund of your entire tuition fee – you keep all the knowledge you gained during that first session -- and we’ll still be friends. That way, you risk nothing.

This is the only way to get coaching from me in info marketing.

I am constantly approached by my readers who want me to coach, mentor, or otherwise advise them. And I always say no, because I do not offer coaching, consulting, or any other services to individuals (my clients are companies who can afford to pay my $500 per hour rate).

If you have ever wanted me to advise you personally, Virtual Information Marketing University with Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly is virtually the only place where that “coaching” takes place. And it all starts online 1/13/16.

Listen: I have been writing and selling information products since 1981, but over 10 years ago, Fred dragged me kicking and screaming into the – to me – then-intimidating world of Internet information marketing.

I say “kicking and screaming,” because I was already making money as a traditional book author and freelance copywriter, and that met all my needs. But Fred was persistent. So in 2004, I launched my first e-book – and I have never looked back. Thank you, Fred!

By following his system, I was earning a passive income selling information products online within 6 months of getting started. And I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars every year since then using Fred’s information marketing system … the same system we give you in our Virtual Information Marketing University.

So what are you waiting for?

To register for Virtual Information Marketing University with Fred Gleeck and Bob Bly, and take advantage of our $300 Early Bird savings, just click below now. You’ll be glad you did:

Bob Bly signature
Bob Bly

P.S. Register today and you also get these valuable bonus gifts:

  • FREE Bonus Gift #1: The Information Marketing University Abstract (value: $19) – a set of notes taken by one of the attendees at our first university that’s like a “Cliff Notes” for info marketing. In it, you will discover:
    • The P-S= E formula for increasing your online profits.
    • 4 kills every Internet marketer must either learn or source.
    • The 4 learning modalities of information buyers.
    • 5 things you need to make $200,000 a year in net passive income online.
    • Our 4-step e-newsletter publishing format.
    • The 12 format for publishing information and selling it on the web.
    • A 10-step formula for becoming a recognized expert in your field.
    • The secret of the 4 U’s for writing killer subject lines and headlines.
    • The 5-step motivating sequence for writing online copy that sells.
    • Making money with the Agora business model.
    • The 6 parts of a winning landing page.
    • How to drive traffic to your web sites.
    • 6 tips for maximizing e-mail click-through rates.
    • 4 secrets to having a great life.
    • Working your information product “funnel.”
    • Create and own a membership site that a monthly income stream.
    • The file-folder method of writing nonfiction books.
    • Make money in public speaking.
    • And more….
  • FREE Bonus Gift #2: Info Product Central (value: $79) – you get a free month’s premium membership to Info Product Central, our membership site packed with dozens of videos, webinars, interviews, reports, articles, and other content on info marketing, copywriting, and direct response. Sold separately, all the info you can access during your free month’s membership has a value we estimate of well over $10,000.
  • FREE Bonus Gift #3: 87 Secrets of Outrageous Business Success (value: 14.95)
    87 Secrets of Outrageous Business Success ebook
    – my latest book, a 245-page paperback that covers dozens of lessons for info marketers including: getting paid for your time … finding and filling a need … what’s working in e-mail marketing today … expanding your info marketing business beyond just e-books … how to become a better writer … 10 steps to Internet marketing success … and much more. (sent after session #2.)
  • FREE Bonus Gift #4: Sell Your Brain Power (value: $14.44)
    Sell Your Brain Power ebook
    – Fred’s latest book, a 152-page paperback that gives you his proven 7-step system for selling any info product on any topic you choose. (sent after session #2.)

To claim your 4 FREE Bonus Gifts (total value: $127.39) … and lock in your $300 Early Bird Discount … and ensure you get a seat at our 2016 Virtual Info Marketing University while they are still available … just click here now:

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